I am really fed up with human beings (apes, Whicky Whudler calls them). They want a cat which fits into their lifestyle and I have just been put back for the second time into cat rescue. The problem is that I swipe at them. They call me aggressive. I'm not. I am just terrified. They keep getting in my face and they expect me to be OK with that. I went back to a new home and the first thing they did on day one was expect to cuddle me. I didn't know these people. So I clawed my way free. Next day I was back here.
PS. ISP troubles mean my photo is late arriving.
Dear Breeze,
This is one of the most difficult bits of owning a human. They just don't understand us. Most of them think we are like dogs - that we will accept being harassed and mauled as if we were stuffed toys. They would be better off getting a Postman Pat toy. It would help it some of them just bought a book... but they think they know it all already. An arrogant species.

My friend Francesca Riccomini (almost, thoug not quite as sensible as a cat) has written a nice easy text for them - with great photos. I don't suppose the rescue shelter where you are will give these away but it might help if they had them on sale. It would make a bit of money for rescue AND educate this pathetically ignorant species. Homo sapiens - wise humans. I don't think so.
Here are some of the things we dislike when we adopt a new human -- instant cuddling without proper foreplay at a suitable distance, suddden new dogs, sudden new cats (we don't like 'em), human kittens that maul us, having to eat close to other cats instead of privacy, having to share litter trays with other cats, litter trays in the wrong place, change of litter, dirty litter boxes (purrlease clean them twice a day), cheap food ... This list could go on forever.
They expect us to put up with a lot and then they moan when we object... Breeze, you need a quiet home with a properly respectful human. See if you can purrsuade her to buy this book as a start.
Poor Breeze, what a traumatic time you have had. I hope a lovely ape comes along soon to take you to a wonderful forever home. I hope that ape has taken time to learn about cat behaviour properly and allows you to settle in, in your own time. We get very angry when dumb apes think we are being aggressive when we are frightened.
ReplyDeleteThat looks like a very good book. It would be wonderful if every rescue and every vet had copies for sale. They are all keen to sell toys,comfy beds and fuuds, but we've never seen a book about cat behaviour or even cat care for sale at the vets. Pfft.
Whicky Wuudler
The trouble with some humans is they are not willing to take time to learn our language. They will have a go at French or Italian but simply refuse to believe that cat or rabbit-speak is just as difficult.
ReplyDeleteI had a problem with my Canadian family the other day. The Norman was eating one of MY bananas and although I sat patiently at his feet and nudged his leg I was ignored. In desperation I stamped hard and ran past him as fast as I could then stamped again. Not a flicker of understanding! I was so frustrated so I do understand the difficulty of communication with humans. Luckily my lot are quite bright and always listen and watch very carefully. Hope you find someone thoughtful soon.
Excellent advice!
ReplyDeleteGuess what? My mom person & I have created a new blog at www.PetBlogsUnited.com.
We'd love it if you would come over and check it out & become a member. It's a great new place for pet bloggers to find each other, and get an opportunity to be a featured blog!
Nubbin wiggles,
This hurts my heart. Humans must learn that cats have different personalities, just like them. Cats are not all alike. I hope soon this beautiful cat will find a suitable human.
ReplyDeleteBreeze, I understand how are you feeling.
ReplyDeleteHope you'll find a loving and intelligent human who will love you for what you are and give you space in his/her heart and house!
You are too beautiful not to find a "smart & loving ape" as Whicky Wuudler would say :-)
Breeze, you are a beautiful cat who deserves the best! Hope you'll soon find the "right" housekeeper for you!
ReplyDeleteSir Winston