Dear George, As 2010 came to an end we reviewed the most important (and not so important) events in our life ….we decided what we want to change in 2011. Here is a list with our New Year’s resolutions:
1) EAT HEALTHY – we mean …more fresh meat like in a juicy, fresh mouse!
Say “no” to tasteless kibbles or canned food. If “fresh” mice are not available
insist on gourmet food ….cooked just for us/cats!
2) RELAX more and work less – we worked hard on different combinations/plans to either secured or to “recession proof” our food. We really think that economy didn’t go that bad…so we can relax more in 2011
How about letting humans worry about economy and expecting them to provide for us? After all ….THEY screwed up the economy, not the cats!
3) BE MORE ACTIVE – there is a lot of effort jumping from bed to bed, right?
After such effort…..a nap is a blessing in disguise!
4) STRETCH every time we roll/turn from one side to another during our nap.
We hope you agree that stretching is quite beneficial and we, cats, do master the art of stretching.
5) DO NOT STRESS over human incompetence or their lack of intelligence.
We should adopt a more “humane” attitude towards our human pets and ignore
them completely ….unless they bag us (with treats) for forgiveness.
We may have some more ideas, but we’ll stop here and wait for other cats to join us and come with their list J. So, George, what do you think? Is our list good ?
A Happy and safe 2011 all cats (and their humans)
Fluffy & Cayenne
Dear Fluffy and Cayenne,
Your wonderful letter set me thinking. What kind of resolutions should I make for 2011? You both set an example in 1010 when you recession-proofed your food. Now your resolutions can act as an inspiration to other cats. So here are mine:
1. I shall try to be more understanding of the human need to sleep on my bed. True, Celia has a perfectly good bed downstairs (it's called the sofa) but she obviously has an emotional need to sleep where I do. In 2011 I will share it with her. My efforts to push her off completely weren't working anyway.
2. Eat more. I am supposed to put up with tinned cat food and biscuits. If I sit closer to her plate, while she eats, I can help with her consumption of steak, chicken, lamb, fish and pork. She can eat the vegetables and I shall eat the protein - much healthier for both of us.
3. I will practise a more active survelliance of the kitchen - in particular, the trash can, the food preparation surfaces, and the floor near the cooker. I will also help with washing plates before they are put in the dishwasher. This is part of resolution no 2.
4. I have my eye on the old age pensioner across the field (fond of cats, good central heating but with no cat). Perhaps I will stroll over and see if he would like to offer me a meal. It would be making an old man happy and would contribute to resolution no 2.
5. Nap more often and nap in imaginative places - spread over the computer mouse, on the printer, just near the dishwasher machine (see no 2), curled round the phone, linen cupboard (of course), in the in-tray, on the lap of any visitor who hates cats.
Readers please add their resolutions in the comments section.
Love George
PS. Photo of my friend Harve, to go with his comment below.