Dear George,
Reading past letters I realized
that kittydom is a buzz! It is such a joy to see cats becoming entrepreneurs,
opening up businesses, taking vocational training or simply….improving their body,
mind and spirit by taking up Tai Chi, Qi Gong or Zen meditation! We do really
rule the world and, I can see why….the future is ours! I had my “aha” moment
when I took up yoga! I even developed an important and, in my humble opinion,
revolutionary asana called “Cat Slipping” as you can see in the photo attached!
One can practice this pose throughout the day, anywhere and everywhere! My
preferred location? Master bedroom!
Favorite spot? For me…. my
“daddy’s” side of the bed! Time? Especially when he’s ready to go to sleep! Timing
is important and mine is just perfect! Benefits from practicing it? One is more
relaxed, but mind sharper, one will look younger in minutes and above all…seeing your
human’s perplexed face not knowing what to do! This is priceless! You don’t
push Deepak Chopra off his chair, do you?
But, my daddy dared to push me
aside last night and I’m much infuriated.
I’m taking three deep breaths now
and start working on a plan how to relocate him on a couch in the living room
or even better….down in the basement!
George, any suggestions?
Dear Lenny,
Pushing you off the chair is unacceptable behaviour in a human. No wonder you are infuriated. You need to climb back immediately and start re-inserting yourself on the chair slowly edging him off. If this doesn't work, get on the back of the armchair and start forcible grooming of his head. If he has a bald patch, groom this furiously. If not, rearrange his hair with tongue and claw. This often makes a human leave.
Forcing a human off your bed is going too far. I think he would be lonely on the downstairs couch or in the basement. Human welfare matters. Well behaved humans should be allowed to share the bed with us, as long as they don't take up too much space. Grooming them in the early hours or merely slowly moving them into a better position using your asana while they are asleep effectively repositions the human body.