
Dear George,
What is a bathtub? And what is its purpose?
I'm quite perplexed by my humans' behaviour. Recently we moved again. Yes! I
don't expect you to remember how many times we moved so far but, YES, we moved
again. First we moved into a new
flat which was ok since I made it my own. Then, we moved in with the "other"
human (who had 3 cats - at least we all came from the same shelter) and I had
to share everything including my human.
Now we moved to a bigger house which is fine except that I can't find a
damn thing anymore so I started using what humans call a "bathtub" as
my litter box.
Wasn't this a brilliant idea? Do you see
anything wrong with this? I don't but they're making such a big fuss about it. The
other cats go to the basement. Well, I don't want to go there. So, what's wrong
that I turned the bathtub into my big, comfortable litter box? I like it! It
has a nice touch! And I like the color! The other day I heard one of them
saying " again? he did it again? what do we do now; how can we use it"?
George, do you think they want to
use it as their litter box as well? Are they trying to steal it from me? What
should I do?
Yours perplexed
Dear Vegas,
Perplexed? I am not surprised. They are just so odd. In the room with the bathtub, there is a second device know as a lavatory which they use as a litter tray. The only difference is that this contains water. I have sometimes wondered if humans expect us to wait till the bath is full of water (like the human litter box) and then relieve ourselves. But something tells me that they wouldn't like that either. Humans are so unreasonable.
So I think you have to purrsuade them to do something about the litter boxes. Obviously you are trying to get a message to them. There should be one litterbox for each individual, and then one extra just so we cats have a choice. Have they put down enough of them? Just putting them all in the same location is also not at all pleasing for us. They need to be spaced out in different locations. We don't want to have to use a litter tray with another cat standing by, or have to queue for entry. Humans don't like queuing for the chance to eliminate: why do they think is it acceptable to ask us to do so?
They could put a litter box in the bathroom for you, or in the utility room, or somewhere nice and secluded and then cover the bath with something like netting. Just expecting you to use the basement when you don't feel like it or feel anxious about the other cats, is unreasonable. What they probably don't understand is that we cats get used to a certain feel under our feet: now you are getting used to the bathtub feel. If they don't act soon it will be too late.....
If all else fails, use their bed. Then, with a bit of luck, they will call in a cat behaviour expert....
Yours in sympathy
PS. Some cats teach themselves to use the human litter tray but it is very awkward to balance on the seat.