I love your blog! So impressed that you have your human trained to transcribe it for you. I tried it once but my humans were too dense to keep it up.
In revenge for their stupidity I have discovered that one of my habits is infinitely confusing to them. I should first explain that as an indoor cat living in a small house, my litter tray is tucked away in the bathroom next to the big porcelain one the overdeveloped apes use. I wait until the female is using her litter tray and then wander in to use mine. Of course I have to drape my tail over her leg while I get myself in position, then, as I go I can gaze up at her. This REALLY confuses the human. If she tries to move before I'm done to get her hands wet (why do they do that, can't they keep themselves clean without involving water?) I'll tell her off, maybe even swipe at her leg, and then start again. If I don't need to go then I can just sit between her feet. It's best if she's wearing trousers as then I can get in them and control when she can move again.
Most importantly I rarely do this with the male one, only the female. They are really confused and, even better, occasionally unnerved by my behaviour.
My problem - which I have considerable difficulty admitting, even to your good self - is that the truth of the matter is that I have absolutely no idea why I am compelled to do this. I was wondering if you had any ideas?
Dear Mog,
We are in deep waters here. On the one hand you are teasing your human in a splendidly creative, possibly even a triumphant way. I particularly like the inbuilt punishment if she moves before you want her to. And that splendid little addition of climbing into her trousers and sitting there to stop her moving. This is cat control at its best. I congratulate you.
However, I also understand that you are worried about this.... and I can see why. All of us get used to a certain ritual around toileting. Humans, for instance, often feel the need to read at the same time. We cats often have digging rituals - one dig to the right, one to the left, for instance. Some of us turn round before: others turn round afterwards for inspection. Some insist on using only one side of the litter tray. And so forth. Your ritual now involves a human.
What I fear is that this may become a dependency. If you get too used to the human presence, you may begin to find it difficult to eliminate when she is not there. And, of course, though it is only a relatively unimportant question of human rather than feline welfare, the same may happen to her. You may both find a certain difficulty in performing without the other's presence.
Be warned. Do not take this splendid game too far. We cat must never ever become dependant on human affection or even a human presence. Independance on the toilet, as well as elsewhere, must be maintained. So try to keep this human tease within moderation. Use your litter tray at least once a day without her presence.
Happy New Year to all Felines
PS. If you will forgive a personal remark - what splendid white whiskers you have.
Thanks George. The humans have stopped the game by getting one of those covered litter trays. I like it a lot more, but I did make the female hold the door open for me the first time I used it!
ReplyDeleteYou can aways make personal remarks if they are nice ones about my whiskers! I'm so pleased you noticed them, they take a lot of maintaining, you've no idea what it's like to have bed-head in your whiskers!
Happy New Year.
May all sentient beings have a safe and happy 2011! May all have shelter, food and love!
Fluffy & Cayenne
PS. Mog, we think your habit is a sure sign of being too spoiled :-)
Mog, com'on man! get out of her pants!
PS. Happy New Year to all!
Mog, I must say you are beautiful. So glad you have better arrangements with your human. We are difficult to train.
ReplyDeleteGeorge, Happy New Year to you and your faithful secretary, Celia.
See that little tip of the tongue stuck out?
ReplyDeleteThat's a sure sign of being very and I mean....very spoiled! Mog....you are so lucky!
PS. Happy 2011 to all!
Impressive whiskers!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
Sir Winston
Mog, I hate the covered litter tray (I always feel like suffocating in there) but I love your whiskers!