Dear George,
I ask you: what is the difference between
me and a moggy? I see none! Do you?
To me… we (and I mean all cats) are
beautiful, intelligent; superior to any other species!
If this is true then why do human try to “create”
differences between us based only on their biased opinion? Why do humans try to
judge us based on color, breed, pedigree, sex, age, etc.? I’m 17 years old and
I was named after Ricky Martin by my euphoric human after attending one of his
concerts! Do I look like Ricky Martin? I don’t think so! Do I judge Ricky
Martin based on his cuteness, hair, clothes or preferences? No!
If I look (at me) in a mirror I really
think my human could have very well named me Snow White! See what I mean? But
…would I be a different cat from who I am now? No! That’s what humans don’t
understand and that’s why I was in hiding for years as I didn’t want to be part
of my humans’ social life! Until last night… when I literally came out of the
closet (see the photo) because we had guests: a moggy and her family.
I love that moggy! And she loves me!
Nothing else matters!
George, you know her – you know her name and
you know how cool she is!
I don’t want my humans to discriminate against
her because of her origins!
What do I do?
In love with a moggy
Dear Ricky,
Somebody told me it was CAT Victoria with whom you are hopelessly in love.... Her photo can be found in her post a week go but I am going to add it here. Just to remind myself. What she didn't tell me when she wrote to me, was that she was in the tree looking out for you. Just in case you passed by.
There isn't anything much different between you and her - only that you have a differently shaped face and longer differently coloured hair. Unfortunately human beings have stupid notions about class.They think pedigree cats are different in other ways from ordinary moggies. They are wrong. Persians like you enjoy hunting and playing and need all the same things that moggies do.
Just because you look different (and to human eyes more beautiful) doesn't mean you are not a cat like any other cat. And that means that pedigree cats and moggy cats are equal in feline eyes and in the eyes of sensible humans (alas, too few of them).
Long live moggies. And pedigrees. They are equal in the eyes of the Feline God (Blessed Be Bubastis).
PS. Some colour prejudiced humans don't even like black cats but I say "black is beautiful."