The name is George. George Online Cat.
Only it isn't.
This name is cultural appropriation at its most disgusting.
George is NOT my name, but the name given to me by humans, who purrsist in calling us cats by names they, not we, invent. They don't seem to realise how bad mannered it is.
"George" is just a word to me. People are so stupid that when I react to the word, they think it means I "know my name."
Of course I don't. It's not my name. My identity is bound up with my personal smell, my signature scent. It doesn't need a "blah blah" human utterance.
I react to the name because it predicts stuff like food, strokes, or (occasionally) punishment.
Yet humans are too thick to react to my real scent identity which I spread on them when I rub against them. They only "recognise" my identity scent when I pee or spray - and then they react very badly indeed. They don't understand that this is my signature identity.
Stop and think, human. You are guilty of feline cultural appropriation when you think you have named me!