Dear George,
We are Ella and Louis – that’s right… as in
Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong.
I’m wearing my white coat (as you can see)
and Louis (always a gentleman) is wearing his tuxedo.
We are quite like on that
1956 record cover (sorry darling but I forgot the name – we made so many
records and shows together).
Anyway, the reason I’m writing to you is because
we found out that you are a specialist in human behaviour and we need your
help. Our humans got into the “cat homemade food” mania that lately took over
the Internet, main stream news, TV, etc. – I mean all media! I’m not
complaining about the food, don’t get me wrong – I’m complaining about the
timing of our meals!
See, I want to eat whenever I want ….like a
real diva! My Mom is insisting on feeding us twice a day (morning and evening)
at precise times. THAT drives me nuts! Absolutely nuts! And to add misery to aggravation….our
Daddy is insisting on weighting and measuring everything such as protein, fats,
minerals, vitamins, etc. (I think he is a nutritionist but that doesn’t give
him the right to delay our meals). George, I’ll be happy with that roast
chicken leftover! But, no ….I have to eat scientifically proved meals!
Phew! So, for now I’m trying to be more
vocal (as you can see in the picture attached) and hope my dear Louis will join
me. I bet…no matter how much our humans enjoy music…they will give up and feed
us right away!
Any other suggestions George
Meowing on sweet blues notes
Dear Ella,
You have got the right idea. Humans are suckers for the cute. Do something cute, like meowing, to get your human's attention. Without that, you can even start training. Once they are looking at you, then you have to "tell" these dumb humans what you want. Try the following:
The Sit Up method of getting food |
- First cultivate the cute "I'm looking at you, kid" glance upwards - eyes large, whiskers wide, and a little tilt of the head. You may feel frustrated but you need to look cute.
- Eyes to the food cupboard. Ostentatiously move from looking at him to the food cupboard, adding a little shoulder shift to make it more obvious - humans are not very bright.
- Get off the table and walk to the food cupboard, then look back towards him. Even a really dumb human usually gets this one.
- Meow. Follow up by getting off the table and winding round his legs. Then move three steps towards the food cupboard, turn, and do the appealing look. Got his attention? Another three steps towards the food and another look. This form of training by small increments is what is needed for a really dumb human.
- Finally, when he is moving to get you your food, don't forget the thank you - a very loud purr as you are eating with the occasionally appealing look between mouthfuls. This is to reward him for his trouble.
You can adapt this schedule for being fed human food during human meal times. If you can add a little sit-up-and-beg to it, you may be lucky.