Why is it that the human servants of cats are not made to act more responsibly? Molly, the cat next door sneaked into our house while our front door was open for a few minutes while my family was packing the car to go away for a few days. Luckily for me she was spotted looking out of the bedroom window and chased out but if she had come into the kitchen instead of running upstairs I wouldn't be alive to write this letter.
While it is difficult to control you hunters, your owners should realise that owning a cat immediately removes freedom of choice for neighbours. Apart from the poo in our garden and cat paw marks on the freshly cleaned cars we can no longer leave doors or windows ajar in our house for a bit of fresh air.
What do you suggest?
From a very worried
Harvey the house rabbit.
Dear Harvey,
I can't say I share your fears because I don't. But I do accept that having a cat intrude into your territory, if you are a prey animal like a rabbit must be very frightening indeed. We cats are predators, but we are also prey to dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes etc. And we too get very very frightned when these animals either stray into the house or even just pass through the garden. Some foolish cat loving humans feed foxes in their garden and think they cats will remain safe - well, sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. It all depends on whether the fox thinks it can win the battle.
Oddly enough we cats are also worried by neighbourhood cats. In leafy suburbs there can be an awful lot of them and, if you are a timid home living pussycat (unlike me) it is very upsetting to find strangers in your territory - particularly if they come in the cat flap. One distinguished vet and behaviour expert says there are "despot" cats that can terrorize a whole neighbourhood.
What can we do about it. Well get those humans to install PetPort cat flaps - www.PetPorte.com and think about window screens that let in the cool air - www.cataire.co.uk or www.thescreendoorcompany.co.uk
But human control? I think not. Oh no. We HAVE to keep up the proper cat-human relationship with the cat in proper charge.
Love George (alpha cat in charge of Celia)
Dear Harvey,
ReplyDeleteI totally agree that humans are irresponsible.
Can you believe that my humans just adopted a rescue? I mean...I'm a cute 8 years old bunny girl and they adopted me when I was very, very young.
After all these years, one day they brought home this crazy cat they call Freddy. He is much younger and full of energy. At least, my humans still have a bit of a brain and....don't let us free in the same room without supervision.
PS. So, George, what should I do when Freddy "accidentally"... "smacks" my head with his paws?
Ah! Harvey, you look so cute!
ReplyDeleteI'm a big hunter...but I would never ever harm you.
Poor Harvey, that must have been quite the fright!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't eat you if I wandered into your garden, I would find any moles you had living there though and give them a good stamping on.
Our apes made us a huge sandbox so we didn't poo in the neighbouring gardens. Sometimes I poo in the churchyard instead ;)
Whicky Wuudler