Dear George,
I have decided to become an intellectual cat and the reason is that I’m fed up with my female human. I can’t stand her any longer telling everybody that my sister Cayenne is “the intellectual one” and that I’m “the frivolous” one that needs to be entertained. Well, since Cayenne decided to find her “inner kitten” ….I decided to become an intellectual and teach my snotty female human a lesson!
Firstly, I started sleeping on books as you can see in the picture. It’s a bit “tough” but I hope this way I’ll accumulate more knowledge quicker.
Secondly, I think I should “shred” some curtains, art, something in the house…just to tell her that I don’t like it. Why can’t she have a normal painting, something like a big, fat mouse next to a piece of cheese? Even that chubby, smiling woman (the one who smiles, no matter from what angle you look at her) would do it! But no, she likes “melting clocks” or men flying hanging on umbrellas. And her favorite?…that guy looking in a mirror and seeing his back! See what I have to put up with?
George, I badly need your help to punish this snob! Or should I do something to impress her? What should I do next?
Dear Fluffy,
Sleeping on books is a good idea. It's high up which gives an immediate impression of superiority. Its draught free. Looks good, looks very good, and if the books are large enough it is not too uncomfortable. But the big question is - which books? I can't read the titles so I am not sure.
In an ideal world the books we would choose would be Purrsuasion, Scratch 22, Mouse Catcher in the Rye, The Cat of Mounte Christo, Great Catsby, The Cat is a Lonely Hunter, Bleak Mouse, Plain Tails from the Hills, Tail of Two Kitties, Goodnight Mr Tomcat, Middlemog, The Brothers Catamazov, Zen and the Art of Mog Maintenance, and The Purrsuit of Love. Just one fully human book - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, because in it Mark Twain suggests installing a royal family made up of cats.
Shredding, as you can so plainly see, an art form in itself. Most of us favour the downward scratch at the back of loose covered armchairs, but several have experimented with wallpaper and report a really beautiful effect. Curtains can be more difficult, as they swing loose, but with experience a completely frilled effect can be achieved. Finally, do not forget carpet. There's lots of it, and horizontal scratching, once you get used to it, can play its part in Home Decoration.
Finally, the litter tray. The philosophical and beautiful patterns of a Japanese gravel garden can be achieved in most litters, though wood and paper litter refuses to co-operate. Dig deep. A pleasant scatter effect can be achieved from an open litter tray. Performance art - think about digging, using the tray then rushing round the house scattering litter as you go. It's the litter skitter.
Happy Scratching. Happy Digging.
Love George.

Please suggest some more book titles in the comments. There are some that have made me laugh out loud already. Puss Puss has contributed this photo of himself on the book by Churchill, the country's leader and a good inspiration for all cats anxious to take their place as leader of their household.
Dear Fluffy,
ReplyDeleteI highly recommend my current favorite book: The Last Lion by some fellow from Manchester. At least, that's what I gather from the cover, which is an extremely comfortable one, indeed, so I know this is a good book. The Last Lion is apparently about our dear friend Sir Winston! Who knew? I am so very impressed, that I am going to go nap on it right now.
Dear George,
ReplyDeleteI would recommend all your books, especially: "One Hundred Ways For a Cat To Train Its Human", "One Hundred Ways for a Cat to find its Inner Kitten" (such an inspiration for me on my journey):-), "One Hundred Ways to a Happy Cat", "The Joy of Cats", "One Hundred Ways to live with a Cat Addict" (not sure if you wrote this one too, but it is very educational). Then I'd like to mention Lillian Jackson Braun's books: "The cat who said cheese", "The Cat who came to breakfast", "The Cat who blew the whistle" and so on (she has a whole series). Or ..The French Lieutenant's Cat", the Magic Cat, The Tropic of Cats", The Cat Whisperer, etc.
Plenty of books my sister, Fluffy, can choose from! But...can someone tell her that she needs to read the books...not to sleep on them?
Why not trying knocking down some antique?
ReplyDeleteThis will be punishment enough for a snob, don't you think so?
I'd like to hear what Puss-Puss has to say; she's into art! She might have some really good ideas!
ReplyDeleteSir Winston
Yes! A big, fat mouse next to a piece of cheese (make it Swiss) would be an excellent piece of art. I can stare at it all day :-)
PS. Fluffy, aren't you "daddy's little girl"?
I could tell!
My favorites? "Pawsitive thinking" and "Pride & Cattitude".
PS. And one suggestion! If you can't shred any art
then.....pee on some newly changed bedsheets :-)))
Dear George,
ReplyDeleteI followed your advice with the litter.
We use SwheatScoop (all natural wheat husks)which is clumping but not dusty and smelling really nice (wheat). I could get some on my paws to carry around.
So, I started by digging and digging and digging until the floor was fully covered by litter. Then I started running through the house creating beautiful patterns!
I really think I'm a Zen Cat now :-)
Dear Puss-Puss,
ReplyDeleteAfter you'll take your beauty nap on this very interesting book...would you mind to tell me who is the author? I like to know who and what is writing about me :-)
Yours truly
Sir Winston
Hey, I meant running "through-out the house" not "through the house"!
ReplyDeleteGot too excited:-)
Hello Puss-Puss,
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you've got yourself a little cozy place! And Sir Winston's picture when he was in the Military? Hm! I bet you read both books:-)
What wonderful book titles and such prolific wisdom from George. Fluffy do not be intimidated by wretched snobs. Find a house mouse, let it loose into a book shelf - there it will expire shortly and small flies will lay eggs inside it's mousy corpse. Over time these eggs will hatch (the mouse will dry up) and the little creatures that come out of the eggs will eat away happily at the books to get out into the great big wild world. This happened to one of the apes big art books - we think it was the mouse that ate the paper, not the fly creatures - but it made a luffly mess and a total mockery of the ape's beloved art book. Oh how we laffed n' laffed.
ReplyDeleteIf no mouse is handy, wait until your pretentious apes are lying on the floor perusing a giant art book, then casually yack up a HUGE hairball on the open pages - it will much improve the art.
Wicked Wuudler ;)
PS: Puss Puss is a total saucepot! xx