A cat video (my human is a cat video addict) have now been beamed to the earth from outer space... well, why not? What other video would be sent?
It's another first for cats. We get everywhere. Every single place on Earth has cats - even above the arctic circle or on uninhabited islands. So space is not that new for us. We are natural explorers.
The spacecraft Psyche, currently 19 million miles away from Earth, sent the video starring Tater the cat. Psyche was launched in October and is on her way to metallic asteroid, circling the sun between Mars and Jupiter. You can read the whole story here.
And you can see the cat video here. Or, if for some odd human reason, you are more interested in space travel than cats, you can read about the mission here.
Think about this, when your human is being particularly annoying, refusing to let you put your nose into the Christmas cake basin or not giving you a single bit of the raw turkey innards.
The first ever video from outer space showed Tater the cat. So we can afford to feel smug this Christmas.