We’d like to congratulate the Prime Minister of Canada for the latest addition to his family. He and his wife adopted a kitten from Ottawa Humane Society.
Mrs. Harper is well known as an animal lover and she always adopted cats from shelters.
We don’t know how many cats they have but probably more then one.
A poll through Mr. Harper’s Facebook page was created so Canadians could vote for a name. The winning name was Stanley (like in the Stanley Cup).
This is another victory for feline’s world. First Larry in UK and now Stanley in Canada!
He is a sweet, cute grey kitten who made it to the top and this is just wonderful news! Congratulations Stanley!
Fluffy & Cayenne
Dear Fluffy and Cayenne,
This is wonderful news. At last we felines are finding our way up to top rank of political power. We have always known that we were worth it but our humans have had an unfortunate tendency to think of us as second to dogs. At last this outdated idea is being shown up for what it is - nonsense. Cats rule!
However old habits die hard. There was an unfortunate incident last week in Downing St, when the policeman at the door of Number Ten, booted Larry into the house. Larry was merely doing what all we cats enjoy - dithering on the doorstep, while the door was held over for him, deciding whether to go inside or outside. He has already trained the police to open the door for him: now he merely needs to train a "stay" so that they hold the door open long enough. How long is long enough? As long as it ta

Proper police training will be particularly important when he comes home with a mouse. Will they let him in so that he can give to our David Cameron? Or will they try to take it off him first? What about a rat? Similar dilemmas will face Stanley in his new home.
I tried to offer Larry some advice via a popular newspaper, but they had no space for my words of wisdom. Such are the problems for cats wishing to publish. My book on human behaviour is also stuck in the doldrums, despite it being a ground-breaking volume on coping with and training this popular pet species, Homo sapiens (don't laugh at that last word).
We cats face an uphill task but now we have paws in high places it may become easier.
Nice photo of Stanley on the left.
He looks like Oscar Snuggles. Awwwwww!
ReplyDeleteDear George, we forgot to mention that Mrs. Harper is encouraging the public to adopt from shelters. Nice lady! Bravos to her!
I really hope that the policeman who booted Larry into the house will be quickly send to "retraining". Such a pity! Ugh!
ReplyDeleteSir Winston
YES! CATS RULE! Get the message people!
I wonder if human ignorance has limits!
ReplyDeleteDid the policeman involved in the unfortunate episode with Larry know that Larry was in charge with training the stuff at Number Ten and with him hovering in the doorway was just part of an exercise? The policeman failed poorly!
George, is that true that a popular newspaper had no space for your article? It is hard to believe.
ReplyDeleteShame on them! What's happening in UK?
I bet they don't know what they missed.
OMG! Stanley, you look so cute!
ReplyDeleteWishing you a happy & joyful life!
I hope that little Stanley gets to keep his claws. It would be even better if Mrs Harper spoke out against the declawing of cats, which happens in Canada. No politicians in Canada are interested in stopping this mutilation of cats. I wonder if Stanley will be able to make a difference?
ReplyDeleteWhicky Wuudler