We recently read about Dusty, the cat burgler from San Mateo, California. He became an overnight sensation! Literally…that’s exactly the time he steals from people’s houses! You can find read about him on http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2011/06/19/BAIN1JVID8.DTL
Dusty was adopted from Humane Society and no one knows why he steals or why or how he developed such hobby! He loves 2 piece swimsuits and he makes sure he takes both pieces J He was such an inspiration that we decided to follow in his steps and develop same “recreational hobby” ……stealing!
But, let us introduce ourselves first: we are the “belles”, the flames from the South – Blaze & Lea! We were born in a window well and rescued by an animal lover. Later we were adopted by our current humans. Blaze loves company and everything colorful and shining. I, Lea,…I am running away from company and I love simple things, especially a white curly ribbon. We enjoy eating together, playing together but we can easily become bored. Our humans give us unconditional love but we find them a little too protective.
Reading Dusty’s story inspired us to try having some fun and start stealing from our humans first. We could steal little things like wedding rings or watches or make-up and, then, hide them in the house, in places where they don’t go so often. We think mice and little pieces of food from dinner would be nice too. Or could this become a criminal case? In Dusty’s case all charges were dropped off and the police stopped the investigation.
What do you think George? Should we continue perfecting our plans or should we look for other ways to have fun?
Blaze & Lea
Dear Blaze and Lea,
Cat burglary, as a career choice, has a lot going for it. It is the alternative sport which mimics hunting. You ca
It can also make you into a celebrity. The late Minnimore was named Daily Telegraph Cat Burglar of the Year in l998. He had stolen three feather dusters with 2-foot long handles, a polo neck sweater, a fur tippet, a fur hat, 6 teddy bears, 3 stuffed bunnies, a Mickey Mouse, a panda, a kookburra, a musical tortoise, a whale, a skunk, a gorilla and stuffed dinosaur. Here's a photo of him proudly bringing home the dinosaur.
Other cats have starred on TV and are now on YouTube. Take a look at Dusty known as the Klepto Kitty, or Jack who at one year old is beginning a career of crime. Click here on their names. These cats now have thousands of human fans. Who says crime doesn't pay? Cat burglars, thanks to YouTube, are now world famous!
Look at it this way, Blaze and Lea. If you bring home mice, birds and rats, like a good cat should, your humans will scream, jump on chairs or even scold you. If you bring home next door's underpants or lots of stuffed toys, they will laugh at you, video you and put you on TV. Minnimore, after the initial newspaper article, starred in a programme about wayward pets and was psychiatrically diagnosed and treated on camera. The programme claimed he was reformed and was going straight. He didn't of course. Stolen stuffed toys began turning up again. He had relapsed.
There are other interesting possibilities in burglary - frozen chickens left on the table to thaw out, chops from next door's barbecue, live goldfish from the pond across the way, even the occasional hamster.... Yes, I know of cats who have brought home all of these.
So GO FOR IT.....
PS. Thank you, all contributing cats, for your interesting letters and wise comments, especially Fluffy and Cayenne for their letters, Harvey for insight from another species and Whicky Wudler, he of the wonky ear, for his sharp comments. Thanks to your input, and the collective wisdom of us all, this blog has been chosen as one of the favourite cat blogs by Online VetTechPrograms.org
Blaze and Lea, George gives wise counsel but he has not mentioned that as cats, every thing in the whole wide world belongs to you. Apes should be grateful if you allow them to borrow these things now and again. You are not stealing anything, you are merely reclaiming items that belong to you.
ReplyDeleteWhicky Wuudler
Owner of Everything.
Hey girls, why bother finding other ways to have fun? Being a "buglar gang" is sooooo much fun!
ReplyDeleteStart stealing small pieces - that will drive your human pets nuts! So much fun!
Congratulations George! YOU ARE #1!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Celia too; as "strange & moody" as a secretary she is...you couldn't have made it without her (but, please, never ever admit this to her) :-)
Fluffy & Cayenne
PS. Thank you much for your kind words of appreciation.
Dear Blaze & Lea,
ReplyDeleteYes! go for crime! You are too cute to even think that you would steal :-)
Each time our "daddy" fixes something....we are watching him but...I'm the one helping him...stealing little screws and hiding them. It's so much fun watching him looking for them and not realizing what happened!
Each time I came home with baby rabbits (sorry, Harve) or little snakes or mice ....all I heard was screams! Then my humans would "steal" my baby rabbit, lock me in the house while they'll wait outside for the mother rabbit to come and get the baby. And she showed up every single time! Once the baby was rescued and safe they still won't let me out for another 3 days! Better steal their things. As George said: you bring in a mouse....you are a murderer; you bring in a bikini and you become a star!
ReplyDeleteWho can understand humans?
PS. Congratulations George!
CATS RULE! Blaze & Lea....you must be young; you can do whatever you want. You are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteCheck the kitchen counter tonight!
Wow! You are so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteMy heart is "on fire" :-)
Richard the Lionheart
Don't listen to my sister, Cayenne! She's too much into computers, engines, nuts and bolts!
ReplyDeleteSteal from thy neighbours! Especially food - much more rewarding:-) Even if caught "in action" you can play that "innocent face" with the "weak meow"
that make them think you are mistreated home and you might end up with extra food, a nice belly rub, even a good afternoon nap in some loving human's lap! Just think about! It's all good :-)
Sisters! Don't worry about being charged!
ReplyDeleteOne more year and I'll be a lawyer; so go ahead....have fun!
Am I dreaming or these youngsters are really talking about stealing and other criminal acts?
ReplyDeleteUh! The world definitely changed since the last time I was out!
Blaze and Lea, you are both such beautiful cats. I can't imagine that you would want to live a life of crime, stealing from others.