Dear George,
I’m a confused (by human’s behavior) young kitten in need of guidance. My name is Richard (not my choice) and I’m about 6 months old. But, let me tell you how I start getting more and more confused. First of all, I didn’t expect to be named Richard. Richard who? Gere? Chamberlain? May be Richard The Lionheart? Yes! I decided that Richard the Lionheart would be quite appropriate since I’m fighting for my territory, especially the master bed. I’m taking good care of all my servants (quite a few in this household) – they all are well trained or so I thought until now! Not to mention my army of toys – all displayed in strategic spots all over my territory! However, the human kitten called me a wild animal. What did he mean by this? He said that I must be a Lynx! I didn’t respond to his provocation since I didn’t know what a Lynx is! Hope it’s not something derogatory! George, what do you think it is? Do you know what a lynx is? But, let me tell you more! Lately I start having different “feelings” and “urges” and I was meowing more then usual. Instead of showing gratitude for my vocalization, my humans took me to a horrible smelling place and all they said was “snip-snip”. Now, I’m okay but I don’t feel like meowing any more, I feel confused . Why do you think they did this to me? Did they want to make me be more like a human? I mean …..a male human? I’ve observed that most male humans are very quiet! George, I’m looking forward for your input and guidance
Confused, but brave
Dear Richard,It's good to be called a lynx. Very good. They are large wild cats, well relatively large. They are superb hunters with wonderful tufts of hair on top of their ears. Beautiful animals which need conservation help.Take a look at this photo here.

You should feel proud.
I am sure that they called you Richard because of Richard the Lionheart, a famous English King who was brave and (probably) gay. He conquered a lot of territory but stayed too long absent from his own, England, where his younger brother John, known as Bad King John, had too much influence. So much for human history - a story of failure and blood lust.
Lions, however, are a great deal more sensible and clever than most humans. They are the only truly social big cat, hunting in family groups to pull down big prey. So there is definitely a compliment in being called Lionheart. To humans it means courageous and kingly.
Richard, let me be frank. With your beauty and brains, it is possible that your humans have given you the snip because they are just jealous. I mean, who would look twice at them if they saw you? This neutering and spaying us is an aspect of human behaviour us cats find difficult to forgive.
If you give it any thought at all, it is obvious that humans (rather than us) should be neutered and spayed. Their sex lives are completely out of control. There are so many of them in the world, that the big cat species like lynxs and lions are dying out. Humans spread concrete everywhere. Humans use up huge resources. Humans hunt cats, big and small. Humans pillage the whole world. They slaughter their own species, for goodness sake. If only we could take them to the vet and get them fixed, the world would be a happier place.
I mean, what would you prefer? More lynxes or more humans.
I must say, Richard, you are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteRichard, you do look like the big wild cat (lynx) in the photo that George attached.
ReplyDeleteYes, being called a lynx is a compliment :-)
Hey, wait a minute! My male human is VERY quiet lately; does that mean that MAY BE the female human took him to ...."snip-snip"?
ReplyDeleteHow can I verify?
Absolutely more lynxes!
All the excuses humans use to alter our natural state....just rubbish! They know and feel we are superior and, in despair, they want to level us with them! Richard, even a snipped lynx can fight for his territory. Go get the master bedroom!
ReplyDeleteSir Winston
PS. George, I don't think the King (R the Lionheart) was guy, but can we really trust the time records?
I just saw "The Last Lions" which is an amazing National Geographic movie bringing attention to the plight of Lions. The cinematography was awesome and the story heart wrenching...it was difficult to watch. I do agree that humans are a bit out of control here on this planet.
ReplyDeleteRichard you are definately a Lynx, King of the Apehouse, ruler of ALL you survey. You can ensure that the ape kitten knows this by sleeping on his head every single night. I agree with George, fewer humans + more Lynx = good.
ReplyDeleteWhicky Wuudler