Saturday, May 01, 2010

Save a black kitten today.

Dear George,
I am a Cats Protection kitten with no name yet, though my mother is called Angel. She was picked up in the street heavily pregnant and gave birth to me and my four black brothers. I am writing to ask you why I have had an offer of a home, while none of my brothers have been so lucky. It seems so unfair. They have lovely blue eyes like me and are just as friendly, but somehow they don't seem to appeal. What can we do to stop colour prejudice among cat lovers?
Adopt Angel and her black kittens at West Oxfordshire CP

Dear Kitten,
You are right. It is very unfair. We black cats in Britain are often the last to find homes because somehow people don't find us as appealing as the other colours. We also get thrown
out on the street more - so that there are more black cats out there trying to survive. Moreover, we are the last to be taken in (apart from Cats Protection who take in all cats that need a home). So the number of stray black cats increases while the number of coloured ones decreases.
It's even worse in the USA where black cats are thought to be unlucky. At Halloween stray black cats are handed in to protect them from being burned alive by Satanists - only to be put down in their thousands in shelters. If your hu
man is going to rescue a black cat, make sure that it is handed into a no-kill shelter. Otherwise it might as well take its chances in the street. At least that is a life of sorts.
Here in the UK they are thought to be lucky - though it doesn't help much. There's also a theory that black cats are wilder by nature, though I think it is just that they get less cuddles as kittens. The prettier ones are picked up more - which makes them tamer.
We can't do much on our own. This is a problem where we need to educate humans. They can be educated. It takes time to get through to this dumb species but it is possible. In the 1990s US shelters were euthanasing about 70% of the cats handed in - the same proportion that were being euthanased in the UK in the 1970's. Nowadays all but about 10 are rehomed in the UK. No-kill shelters have changed the situation. For once, we can help the Americans by setting a good example.
Save a black kitten today.
Love George
Help stop the sick movies that show animals being crushed by signing the petition - there is a link on


  1. I think we could maybe take a tip from our American cousins who have set up this organisation to help home black cats:-

    It's obscene that apes apply colour prejudice to their own kind and animal kind. Ignorance results in death for so many dear black cats, everywhere. Religion and superstition have much to answer for in the way we animals are treated.

    Adopt a black animal today!

    Whicky Wuudler

  2. Puss-PussMay 01, 2010

    Dear beautiful kitten,
    My heart goes out to your brothers. It is true that, where I live in the United States, black cats have a much harder time finding homes, for the exact reasons that George mentioned: color prejudice. And so every Hallowe'en, and even at other times during the year, black cats and kittens are handed in by the dozens, and the shelters in my area are shelters that put down cats when they cannot find homes. The shelters here are currently crowded with cats of all colors, so black cats have even less luck. I personally think that black cats are beautiful, and if my human must hire me an assistant, I hope she hires the black kitten that she interviewed at the shelter recently. Black cats are serious, thoughtful researchers, and I think that the kitten she has in mind is quite suited to the position. I am, it is true, a one-human kind of girl, but I can make an exception for an able helper.

    I am hopeful that legislation may change the sad situation I see in shelters here. The humans around here are not advanced enough to criminalize declawing, but certain counties in my state have no-kill regulations. Bastet above! I pray that changes can be made.

    When searching for a new position your brothers will have a harder time, but our black sister and brother cats are an elegant breed, and we must not despair. With human assistance (which ordinarily I would term "interference," but sometimes the poor dim creatures DO help) these prejudices can be changed. The secret is the work to which I have devoted my life: educating and training humans. Until then, we must carry on.

    Warmest regards,

  3. What? A black coat is not popular in the States you say? Well,those kittens can come and live with me. No wonder my second in command refuses to visit the country.
    Black is beeeeauuutiful in my opinion.
    I agree with our Prime Minister. Down with biggots!!

  4. AnonymousMay 01, 2010

    There was a story on Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul telling us about the black cat dilemma and they solved in a shelter calling the lonely black kitty "Jellybean" and everybody thought the name was so cute and reflected the personality of the playful black kitty. All new black kitten arrivals had been named Jellybean and the name is so "bouncy" that they are quickly adopted. I have 9 cats, one of each color, but love my little Negrito (little black one) to pieces, he is so cute and playful with his shiny black coat. People of the World, unite and save all the "Jellybeans" of the cat world!

  5. Speaking as an American who is proud to be owned by two black cats (and one gray tabby-and-white cat), I do my best to serve as an ambassador for the protection and adoption of black cats. Black cats are absolutely wonderful, and I've always felt that black cats are GOOD luck. Well, they have been good luck for me, so why not for everyone else?

  6. There is hope! And....I'm a living proof!
    I was adopted along with a brother and a sister from a local shelter near Toronto.
    And...I know that one of my human is thinking to adopt another cat from same shelter!
    May be ....a black one (to balance my beauty):-)

  7. Dear Kitten, you are so beautiful! And so are your brothers. Hope they will find forever homes soon! We love black cats! We love all cats; all sentient beings. We (Fluffy & I) are very much involved in animal rights and we're constantly training people to develop compassion and respect for all. The best is to start with human kittens when possible to make sure that they develop in intelligent & compassioante adults.

  8. Yes! Cayenne is right! We love all sentient beings and help in every way we can!
    I set myself as a living example....but I was told that....sometimes I'm not the best one since I'm a fussy eater and very spoiled :-)
    I wish all cats sooner then later have a home and food and someone to love them.

  9. Sir WinstonMay 02, 2010

    Ah! You are so cute! I would take you all home in a blink of an eye!
    I have to show your phtos to my housekeepers.
    Who knows? May be they are ready to adopt!
    Sir Winston

  10. FredericoMay 02, 2010

    I know the feeling!
    I was lucky. Hope you'll find good homes soon.

  11. Dear George,
    Please encourage your followers to visit: and sign the petition to ban videos depicting animal cruelty in USA and everywhere else. The last one is about a kitten.
    Horrible (I couldn't watch it, but others did)
    It's sickening!

  12. George, I think this would be a perfect time for your human, Celia, to adopt a couple of those black kittens.

    I think when it is time for us to adopt another cat(s) we will be going to our local pound and a couple of black cats will be perfect. I had a really great black. Her name was Tar Baby and was solid black except for seven white hairs on her chest. I've always loved black cats, they are so sleek.

  13. That's NUTS! Black cats are my favourite! There's nothing cooler looking than a black cat!

    People are all wrong!

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