Dear George,
My humans purrsuaded me to watch a Garfield movie the other day. I didn't think much of it. They seem to think I should enjoy watching another cat. I don't. What I enjoy is wildlife - preferably small and squeaking but flappy and twittering will do. I was inspired by the picture of Cayenne on the TV to send you this photo. You can see that I am interested but only mildly.
Dear William.,
I share your TV tastes. My favourite TV programme used to be Wildlife on One. Now that the winter is gone, or nearly gone, my interest in TV is very limited. Small and squeaking is far better in reality than on a screen and the same goes for flappy and twittering.
My predecessor Fat Ada, a large black and white that had livedon the streets of London where wildlife was limited to pigeons, was once given a video called Cool for Cats, invented by Peter Neville of cat fame (see was not much taken with the goldfish scenes (though cats with aquariums tell me the goldfish are as fascinating as interactive TV), though she occasionally enjoyed snooker - balls going into mouseholes rather like mice disappearing.
Mac, as beautiful and black as I am, used to adore Big Cat programmes. He was entranced by lions chasing zebras or leopards pulling carcases up trees. He would sit growling at the Big Cats, as if to warn them not to come out of the TV and into his living room. Then when the programme stopped, he would look satisfied. He had growled and they had - eventually - gone away. He was Some Bad Cat to have seen off lions.
Personally Gafield leaves me cold and I have never enjoyed Tom and Jerry cartoons. They are a slur on the feline species. Mice don't win. They may escape but they don't win. I think the man who invented Tom and Jerry was a rodent.
George, mouse exterminator.
PS. What do other cats watch?
Dear William & George,
ReplyDeleteOn the TV set is my sister Fluffy, not me! I, Cayenne, am the "yoga girl" :-)
But, our humans must think alike(probably as a species, their intelligence is very limited). Ours think that if they enjoy watching Midsommer Murders, we enjoy watching "cat videos"! I don't and I'm glad that they don't really watch much TV.
I must admit thou...I enjoy watching once in a while "Heartbeats" - I love England's countryside. But, a while back we all watched a really nice movie "Cats The Movie" (retitled "A cat's tale"). It is with and about a real cat (beautiful Marcello). You should really see this one. Also, they got us few special videos (Fluffy knows who made them - I'll ask her when she'll come back in the house).
One of them is called "The Kitty Safari" - this is Fluff's favorite. Can you believe that before the "action" starts, they teach humans how to hold their cats, so they will watch at the screen? What's wrong with humans? Why do they think we are as incapacitated as they are? We, cats, don't cry at a movie, or we don't get so "transported" into action that we forget about dinner time! For example; this "kitty safari" starts with a little bird singing in a tree. All I needed was to take a good look at the screen and then I looked outside (through the window) and I knew it's a fake! That was a bird in a cage (TV set - that's what I call it) not in the wild. But my sister, Fluffy, gets so caught into action; she's even trying to catch birds and mice on the screen. Oh! poor thing; if I only could make her read more books and watch less TV!
The bad news is that last night it snowed again here, we have soooo much snow - it's not funny! It is very boring in Canada. Can't wait for the spring to come :-)
I love the programs with birds and things that make noise. I was totally distracted last week by a program on PBS (Public Broadcasting Station). They have the best programs that my humans can watch. They don't have cable TV so I am very limited to what I have available to me. I must go now, it's almost dark and all the birds are feeding in the yard I must get outside so I can watch them.
ReplyDeleteI love all programs and movies with "anything" in motion!
ReplyDeleteOur humans (like Oscar's humans) don't have cable but I trained well our "daddy" and he's playing for me videos...even youtube :-)
I have to look for that Kitty Safari that my sister mentioned - I can't remember who made it.
Meantime... you can check this site - they have videos too.
Uh! I'm so tired - Sunday I was with "daddy" to an Auto Show, Monday I watched Midsomer Murders and yesterday I visited an old friend, Sir Winston, who gave me a letter for George.
Gotta go for my "beauty" nap now!