Larry, the Downing Street Prime Cat, has a new rescue human called Liz. It is his latest attempt to find a pet worthy to live in Downing St.
It's been really hard to find one that hasn't got behaviour problems. It started well with Dave, who seemed to understand his role as companion animal to Larry.
The only problem was that there were three in the relationship - Cleggie being the third. Admittedly even Cleggie seemed to realise this menage a trois wasn't working out so he left for the USA.
Larry and Dave settled down well - until Dave disappeared. So next time Larry tried to find a better rescue and came up with Theresa. She had a taste for leather trousers, and two unfortunate human pals, but she too disappeared.
The worst pet of all was Boris. There were terrible behaviour problems - drinking in number 10, caterwauling in the Downing St flat, lack of truth in the meows. It was chaos and, to make everything worse, a dog with a personality disorder.
Now Larry is trying again. Will Liz become the purrfect pet?
I can only cross the digits on my front paws and hope.