Dear George,
I’m thinking of becoming a magician! Do you
know of any cats that turned magicians?
Last night I’ve watched with my mommy “Magic
in the moonlight”. I loved the movie!
I love Colin Firth (hope you like him too)
Anyway, in the movie, right in the beginning,
he makes a whole elephant to disappear!
Wow! Just like this - magic! I’ve got
hooked on the movie and the tricks performed by world magicians! So, I was
thinking to perform a magician’s trick for my mummy’s birthday entitled “Mouse
on a run in the moonlight” I have the “moon” as you can see in the photo
attached and I know the trick to get the mouse in!
But, how do I make it stay
inside that light globe and run like a guinea pig on a treadmill? That’s where
I need your help! What do you think? Can we make it work?
With much appreciation
Dear Gizmo,
First catch your mouse! Then kill it. I don't think it will stay in that beautiful moon, whatever you do, if it is still alive. It will drop or leap out. And then you have a living mouse on the floor running around the house - something which scares human beings.

So, anything involving a mouse, will not work for a human.
PS. My nephew, George 11 (see right photo), is trying very hard to learn how to type with his paws. Readers will learn why next week. And also why the photo at the top has changed.