Today there was something interesting in the post. Almost every day a lot of square bits of folded paper come through a slot in the front door. As a kitten I was quite interested by this - after all, it looked rather like a rectangular mouse hole and things came out of it. But I got less and less interested because the bits of paper weren't particularly rustling. Just square bits smelling of nothing but computer ink. After opening a few, I stopped bothering.
Today was different. Very different. A large but light envelope arrived. It smelled wonderful. Very intriguing. A sort of catty smell which made me feel positively light headed. This was one to open. It was even addressed to George and William. So I investigated it. I rolled on it. I turned it upside down and sideways. I rubbed my chin against it. I tore bits off it until it revealed the treasure inside. A wonderfully shaped item smelling strongly of catnip.
Finally I managed to tear the whole thing open and pull out the catnip thingie. It had a nice little string attached to it to pull around. It was PACKED with the highest quality stuff. I sniffed and sniffed. I rolled on it. I licked it. I chewed it. I threw it around. I scratched it with my back legs. I lay on my back wriggling with pleasure completely stoned. Humans do skunk and smack and coke. I do catnip. I'm a bit of a catnip junkie. Boy, was it strong. William then got interested and pulled out another one. But he's more cautious about doing drugs than I am. Just does a bit and stops. It may be he's scared of losing control around me.
Oh, it was so goooooooooooood
Dear George,
ReplyDeleteGreat to read your blog at last! How clearly and amusingly you comment on the really important aspects of the cat scene: hunting, eating and making oneself comfortable. It is good to know that someone as articulate (and handsome) as yourself is writing up for us - and, I hope, educating our people in "cat correct" views and behaviour.
I too enjoy doing catnip - but, at the age of seven and half, tend to favour William's approach to the weed. By coincidence, not one but two packets similar to yours came by post recently. (My humans also got excited by my opening the packages and also took photos but they are not clever enough yet to post them onto the web or set up a blog for me, just yet). So, if you are passing, do drop in for a quick fix ... I have now trained my humans to leave catnip in each room so I can attend to my needs without expending too much effort.
Concerning God, were I of a religious nature I'd be Russian Orthodox, I suppose, as my mum was a Russian Blue. My dad (a tabby like me) was a travelling rather than a family cat. but the other day at least a week before Ash Wednesday one of my humans said to a friend: "Oh, I think Pushkin (that's me) has given up mice for Lent." Well, here was my chance 1) to prove that cats like you and me can bring in a mouse ANY TIMNE WE CHOOSE, and 2) to explain that Lent doesn't start until Ash Wednesday. So, early on Shrove Tuesday I presented my mouse. As I believe a famous human called Monty used to say: "After that I think I may say they knew the form."
Keep up the good work,, your admirer and I hope your friend, Pushkin Marengo of Cambridge.