It's cold outside in the UK. Very cold. And there are homeless cats that may not survive the winter - unless humans help them.
I get impatient with humans that feed stray cats, but do nothing else. It's OK to feed my feline friends on the street. That's great. But stray cats need shelter too.
If you can't take in a cat to your home, and many humans can't, then feeding is not enough. If the cat is entirely feral, then put a cat flap into your garden shed or even put outside something like a dog kennel.
We cats need a dry place urgently. We can survive the dry cold but we can't survive wet cold. So, humans should make sure we can shelter in the dry.
Better still - humans should take one more step. Find your local cat rescue people who can trap cats. Help them do this. Then the cat can either find a new home with humans or at least be neutered and spayed - this helps them survive better.
Don't just feed. Do more. Give dry shelter. Neuter and spay to help survival.
And for homeless pets, help them find a new warm home. Don't let them freeze to death.