I’m sure you’ll agree with me that we are born naturally gifted, much more so than humans. It takes a century for humans to produce a genius! It takes us about 67 days at most to produce one in a litter. That should tell humans something, right?
I know you are a gifted writer and other
cats are gifted hunters, acrobats or athletes.
I’m exceptionally gifted as a painter. I
took up painting but my human (just like yours, George) is not only sabotaging
me …she’s stealing my art too! Huh!
I must admit I have much fun dipping my paws in paint and then work the canvas!
I must admit I have much fun dipping my paws in paint and then work the canvas!
What does she do? She waits until I’m
asleep and recreates some portraits or still nature painted by me and signs the
painting with her own name. I tried few times to cover her signature with my unique
“paw-signature” but she must have a method to erase mine. Totally unfair. You
know what I’m talking about! So, George what are we going to do? Whatever
you’ll suggest I’ll follow! How would you stop Celia from stealing your work
and admitting that you are the author? How am I going to stop my human
pretending that she’s a great artist and give me credit for her success?
Totally yours,
CAT Victoria
Dear CAT Victoria,
Humans are terrible plagiarists. I have suffered too. Because I cannot use my paws to type, I am reliant on a human typist, Celia. Not only does she try to pass off this blog as my own, she also has claimed authorship for my best selling volume, One Hundred Ways for a Cat to Train its Human. I have a nephew, also called George, who is currently negotiating with an agent to publish a useful book about human management: he says he will only write it if his name is on the cover. We shall see what happens....
Could you purrsade your human to add a pawprint to her signature? Terence Cuneo, a successful painter of ceremonial occasions, always added a signature tiny mouse to his paintings. For more detail read here. In one of his painting a mouse was riding on the back of a cowboy in a stampede.
How much better would it be if she added just a pawprint. Either near her signature or somewhere semi-concealed on each painting? I know its not the same as your proper paw print without her name, but at least it's a start.
CAT Victoria
Dear CAT Victoria,
Humans are terrible plagiarists. I have suffered too. Because I cannot use my paws to type, I am reliant on a human typist, Celia. Not only does she try to pass off this blog as my own, she also has claimed authorship for my best selling volume, One Hundred Ways for a Cat to Train its Human. I have a nephew, also called George, who is currently negotiating with an agent to publish a useful book about human management: he says he will only write it if his name is on the cover. We shall see what happens....

How much better would it be if she added just a pawprint. Either near her signature or somewhere semi-concealed on each painting? I know its not the same as your proper paw print without her name, but at least it's a start.